Monday, January 16, 2012

Added support for AndroidOS1.6

Now possible be could in the previous entry!
JustPlayer now works in the IS01.

What was the cause? It is ProGuard.
VerifyError had occurred for that the JustPlyaer use the CompatiblityAPI.

The error is caused by obfuscation using external classes and classes that are included in the layout of the external Jar.

So, as the technique should be added to the configuration file as exempt from Proguard obfuscation.
For example,

-keepclasseswithmembers  class** {

But this is not enough.

-dontwarn **CompatHoneycomb
-keep class** { *; }

There is also need to add these two lines.
Incidentally, when testing the APK after creating a Proguard applied once, and I have to install and do not check this.

adb install <apk file>

So enjoy your music life of IS01/HTC-03A users.

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